Doctor Care Anywhere 是由医生创立的私人数字健康服务,无论您身在何处或何时需要我们,都能为您和您的家人提供管理健康的信心和保证。我们的英国合格注册医生和高级临床执业医师团队可以在适合您的时间进行视频和电话预约。此外,我们还提供处方递送服务、即时转诊、24/7 安全访问您的医疗记录等等。我们让您负责您的医疗保健需求,从而使您能够掌控自己的健康。
新特性We’ve made some updates to improve your experience:• Push notifications alert reminders: We have enabled push notifications so you can receive alerts before a consultation starts as well as once your appointment notes are published.• Error handling enhancements: we have improved the logic for handling errors for a better experience.We hope you enjoy using our app. Your feedback helps us make continuous improvements.